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The transformation of Banking Operations

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Konecta Banking Sector Event
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On the 27th September, we were delighted to host the ABI Lab COO Roundtable at Konecta’s office in Milan, which was attended by representatives from leading Italian banking institutions.

Our CEO of the Italian-speaking Market, Massimo Canturi, highlighted several emerging trends we have identified in Banking Operations, with a special focus on Generative AI.

Throughout this engaging and informative day, filled with presentations and active discussions, we shared several use cases illustrating the application of Generative AI that our group is exploring, both nationally and internationally, within Konecta.

Through the course of our discussions and presentations, we focused on the major trends in banking operations, looking at trends around People, Processes and Technology, all making it possible for banks to benefit from more extensive outsourcing models. Key to the discussions were real-life case studies and use cases, such as the introduction of an Intelligent Control Room for task-dispatching (agent + robot) in one example, to the transformation of end-to-end B2B and B2C loan management in another example.

Another rewarding and popular aspect of the roundtable was our signposting of the main differences between traditional AI and generative AI - and the impact that GenAI will have on key banking functions, such as IT/software engineering, marketing & sales, and risk & legal. Important and timely material that every bank should have on its agenda and at its fingertips!

To learn more, download the presentation.

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