Women's day

Female Talent at Konecta: Empowering the Future

As a company with a global workforce that is over 65% female, women play a fundamental role in the success of Konecta and the achievement of its goals. This is particularly important as we continue to make progress in our plans for growth and expansion. To achieve this, we must strengthen our internal talent pool.

To this end, we have implemented various initiatives to train and support women, encouraging their professional development both within and outside of the company. Our aim is to strengthen their skills and enable them to take on positions of greater responsibility as they progress in their careers.

As part of this commitment, the women's leadership programme, LIFE, was launched in Peru in 2018 to empower female professionals and promote gender equality.  The programme aims to build and increase self-esteem, support personal growth, and raise awareness of women's importance as agents of change, to help improve the quality of life for their families and communities. By inspiring other women and children, LIFE is a fundamental factor for social and economic progress. So far, 200 women have taken part in the programme, resulting in over 4 editions with a 90% satisfaction rate.

Similarly, LIFE Tech was introduced in Colombia to foster the skills of over 250 women and provide them with opportunities in typically male-dominated fields such as software development, analytics, and artificial intelligence.

This training programme is designed to provide women in the company, who may have no prior experience, with various programming competences, analytics, and agile methodologies, preparing them for the challenges of the digital era.

However, these efforts require strong alliances to expand the scope of the initiatives being developed, both internally and externally. Therefore, since 2019, the Konecta Foundation's Professional Training School in Spain has provided specialized training and employment opportunities to 105 vulnerable women in Konecta and other companies. This initiative has helped these women overcome significant obstacles and challenges, improving their access to employment opportunities available in the market.

Another example of the potential of partnerships is "Menos brecha, más Comunidad” (less gap, more community), a programme promoted by the Municipality of Cordoba, Argentina, in order to reduce digital inequality in the city and enable access to and use of new technologies, particularly challenging for those from socially, educationally, culturally, and economically vulnerable sectors.

The 'Telephone and Digital Sales Agent' course was launched within this framework through a collaboration between CorLab and Konecta. The course had nearly 2,500 enrolments, with 81.4% of them being women. The main objective was to provide new employment opportunities for participants by training them in the essential tools and skills required for customer contact in the digital sales area.

A safe environment that allows for open discussion and understanding

In Cordoba, Argentina, Konecta has been a pioneer in integrating the DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) culture and obtaining the Certification of the Micaela Law No. 27499, a regulation aimed at preventing and combating all forms of violence against women.

This achievement not only reflects the effort made to create a safe working environment for all but also highlights the company's leadership in promoting gender equality and women's empowerment at work.

As part of this initiative, over 110 strategic leaders have been trained through a virtual education programme on topics such as gender identity, unconscious bias, inclusive leadership, and harassment prevention.

A More Equal Future

Konecta is committed to creating a corporate culture that values gender equality and female empowerment. We believe that change starts from within, and we strive to provide women with equal opportunities to reach their full potential.

Our efforts to close gender gaps and foster an equal work environment have been recognized with the Equipares Gold Seal in Colombia. This award highlights our commitment to enhancing the quality of life for our employees, particularly women, and promoting a work culture based on respect, equity, and inclusion.

Additionally, Aequales, a multi-Latin consulting firm in Peru, has consistently positioned Konecta highly in its PAR Ranking, which assesses and compares gender equality and diversity practices and policies among companies in Latin America. In the latest edition, the company ranked fourth among the top 10 best performing companies in the country. Additionally, the company received GPTW certification in six Latin American countries.

Peru, Argentina and Morocco were also recognized by the organization as 'Best Place to Work for Women', demonstrating the company's commitment to gender equality and how it is perceived and valued by its employees.

On this International Women's Day, we celebrate the progress made and reaffirm our commitment to continue working towards an increasingly inclusive company, where equal opportunities remain one of its founding principles.

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