A woman chatting in the office

Konecta awarded with anti-bribery certification

Konecta has obtained the Anti-Bribery Certification awarded by "Empresarios por la Integridad" in Peru, meeting the requirements of a rigorous standard and achieving the highest certification (+++). This achievement reinforces the company's institutional commitment and contributes to strengthening the culture of integrity, one of its core business values.

This certification is part of the Association's efforts to eradicate acts of corruption in local business practices and is awarded following an audit conducted by an independent third party with a recognised track record in business. It also plays an important role in mitigating the risks of unethical behaviour and strengthening our corporate culture. 

It is important to note that corruption, bribery, theft and tax evasion currently cost developing countries an estimated $1.26 trillion annually, and Peru is ranked 101 out of 180 countries in the Corruption Perceptions Index.

For this reason, and as part of the strategy to prevent situations of this nature, significant efforts are being made to raise employee awareness, such as the ongoing training on laws, regulations and company policies, including prohibited conduct, provided in Peru by Didactik!

In addition, other face-to-face and virtual training is provided through the ABC Legal platform, which disseminates relevant information on compliance, anti-bribery, prevention of conflicts with consumers, among others.

In an increasingly regulated, demanding and complex environment, compliance with legal, ethical, social and environmental rules and regulations is essential for the long-term success and sustainability of businesses. In an increasingly regulated, demanding and complex environment, compliance with legal, ethical, social and environmental rules and regulations is essential for the long-term success and sustainability of businesses. In response, Konecta has established its Corporate Compliance Programme as part of good corporate governance to promote transparency, fairness and ethical behaviour within the organisation.

All actions envisaged in this programme are based on the fundamental principle of zero tolerance towards behaviour that could lead to non-compliance with laws, regulations and internal processes.

In this sense, the active participation of the various stakeholders, both internal and external to the organisation, is encouraged, with particular emphasis on the employees, by providing them with an information channel, accessible from the company's website, which allows them to report any act they may observe that may be contrary to the Group's ethical guidelines.

By adopting rigorous standards, Konecta is committed to integrity and transparency, thereby creating trust among employees, customers and society in general. This certification not only protects us from legal and reputational risks, but also positions us as an ethical and responsible player in the market.

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